Razka Profile

Razka company


Razka's work in the development process, from an idea to actual product launch, turned our company into a project manager and an accelerator of technological innovation for our clients. 


Razka ltd. is operating since 2010 in the technological innovation world of the Innovation Authority system as an efficient and flexible development company with an experienced engineering team.

Most of our work focuses on new product development projects with technological innovation, upgrading existing products, locating new applications for existing products, and characterizing and supporting the transition processes from development/design to manufacturing.   

Since 2018, our primary focuses were on projects of technological innovation in industrial plants, characterizing and writing developing programs, managing automation and robotics projects in working production lines while addressing the Innovation Authority for financial support to the actual execution of projects we lead and support.  

Most of our engineers have more than 30 years of experience in the production industry. Therefore, we are proud that our ideas for developing new products and creating new solutions combine innovation and engineering, which are an essential part of our company's DNA.

During 2020, we expanded our portfolio of operations to two additional areas of the Investment Authority:

  • Implementation of advanced technologies on the production floor.
  • Program to improve productivity in industrial plants.

Therefore, we expanded our engineering team and added subcontractors from the automation, robotics, advanced materials and information systems areas.

Our expertise:

  • Examining ideas and solutions, which integrates creativity and engineering innovation, with our clients for their development projects.
  • Will and ability to diagnose, accompany and promote new product's development as a complementary factor to the client's work team.
  • Find and adjust the solution according to the need and challenge; Starting with creativity as a conceptual and later on in innovation in execution.
  • For completion: our back-office staff handles the implementation of the certificate from the Innovation and Investment Authorities, which translates to actual money in our client's bank accounts.


Our expertise combined with our capabilities, extensive knowledge, experience, and creativity contribute to our client's new product development and success.

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